Discrepancy in Reported Roadblocks: While the Road Transitability Map from the ABC only indicates two blockades at this time, several regional media news outlets are reporting a larger number of roadblocks in the area.
Colonel Limbert Choque, spokesperson for the State Police Command, has informed local media that the bus terminal has suspended travel along this route due to the disruptions. However, some vehicles are reportedly using alternative routes.
Second Day of Protests: This marks the second consecutive day that Siporo miners have blocked the highway, with the roadblocks having started at 9 a.m. yesterday.
Longstanding Dispute Over Road Construction: The core issue behind the protests is the Siporo miners’ demand for the construction of a paved road connecting Quivi Quivi and Tambillos. This request, submitted to the government last year, previously led to a series of roadblocks and a subsequent agreement with government authorities.
Broken Promises Fuel Frustration: Governor Marco Antonio Copa reportedly agreed to undertake this road project in 2023. However, after receiving no response from either the Governor’s Office or the Departmental Legislative Assembly regarding the project’s execution, the Siporo miners resorted to initiating the roadblocks once again.
Potential for Escalation: Reports suggest that the protests could intensify if authorities fail to arrive in Betanzos with concrete and positive solutions to address the Siporo miners concerns.