Preparations Underway: Américo Gemio, the Secretary of Cultures of the La Paz Municipality, confirmed that municipal authorities are working to provide all conveniences and transportation services so that citizens can attend the event.
Festivities Planned: Jaliri Marka Mallku Cristian Nina announced that the agenda includes an indigenous parade, dances, and a performance by an Andean musical group.
Welcoming the New Cycle: “As the first rays of the sun appear, an indigenous parade will commence,” said Nina. “Each community will present a dance, aiming to showcase Caiconi La Merced to the entire municipality and promote Aymara culture.”
30 Indegenous Communities at the Event: According to authorities, 30 communities from Marka La Cumbre and the ayllus (indigenous social units) of Achachicala, Chicani, Chinchaya, and Achumani will be present at the event.
Municipal Inspection Planned: “We are heading to inspect the location for the municipal government’s central event,” stated Gemio. “The inspection will take place on June 21st with all the authorities present.”
Nationwide Celebrations: National-level events are planned for June 21st. Within the La Paz department, El Alto City Hall is organizing its own celebration in Amachuma, Kaquemarka. As is tradition, the central government will hold its ceremony at the Tiwanaku archaeological complex.