Central Ceremony at Tiwanaku: The central event for Willka Kuti will take place at the Kalasasaya Temple in Tiwanaku, with similar celebrations happening at more than 200 sacred sites nationwide.
Unity and Well-Being: A Call to Participate: Flavio Merlo, Mayor of Tiwanaku and president of the Federation of Municipal Associations of Bolivia (FAM Bolivia), described the celebration of the Andean New Year 5532 as a powerful expression of unity and brotherhood for the people. He invited both Bolivians and international visitors to participate in the festivities at Tiwanaku.
“Tiwanaku was an important pre-Hispanic religious center,” Merlo urged, “where the energy of Pacha and the achachilas flows. We invite you to share the energy of life, brotherhood, unity, and well-being, for a better future for Bolivians and our global community.”
March, Offerings, and Traditional Performances Mark Launch: The launch of Willka Kuti began with a march by indigenous authorities from Tiwanaku, who walked along Montes Avenue and through downtown La Paz to Plaza Murillo. At Kilometer Zero, a “wajta” or offering to Mother Earth was performed by the Aymara wise men, expressing gratitude to Pachamama for her gifts and the new sun. The launch ceremony also featured musical groups and traditional dance performances.
National Holiday: Willka Kuti Recognized: June 21st, the Andean, Amazonian, and Chaco New Year, also known as Willka Kuti, is a national holiday in Bolivia, established by decree in 2009.